My Big Sister

My Big Sister is sometimes like a Little Mom. She is always looking out for me and my little brother. She is my mom's best friend and she makes my dad extremely proud. Not only did she graduate high school in 2001 but she was able to find a job, move out and support herself while she is going to college. She visits often and is always doing her part to keep my brother and I on the right path.

Rayleen starting thinking about going to college at 8 years old. My Dad helped her make jewelry to sell and she even made an awesome Youtube video for her customers when YouTube was first invented. She ended up going a different route but as you can see the drive to be better was always there and her focus in school is really inspiring. I don't know if I can follow her footsteps but we are all super proud of the young lady she has become.

Check out the video below of Princess Rayleen trying to get her Hustle on at 8 years old

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